
Jesus Christ commands his disciples to “Go ye therefore and teach all nations…Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28:19-20).

In obedience to this command, the Church of God-Friendship Way Life (FWL) publishes the pertinent forum thread exchanges participated in by Epifanio M. Almeda (Epi, Epie or EMA to forum members) whose comments reflect the level of biblical understanding granted him at the time the said comments were made. 

The forum is Philosophy, Religion, Metaphysics & Occult of the philboxing.com the membership of which are atheists and theists of various religious denominations residing  practically in “all nations”. 

Being a forum, member-posters are free to comment not only on the thread question posed but also on the comments of the other posters. This explains why the discussions extracted for this publication are at times unrelated to the thread title. 

While being aware that many of the posters are professed “bible bashers” and mockers of God and the bible, EMA persevered in sharing his comments supported by biblical references for the sake of the non-poster viewers who oftentimes outnumber the posters by as many as 10 to 1.  At one trying time EMA was about to give up on the unbelievers and mockers.  What made him continue with the forum was the receipt of private messages from a professed believer who asked clarifications on the bible teachings discussed and a private message from one of different belief encouraging EMA not to leave stating that while he has his own belief, he finds EMA’s posts educational.

FWL expresses its deep gratitude to philboxing.com owner, Dong Secuya, for unselfishly giving his consent for EMA to use the forum materials to make possible this publication which is freely given to anybody upon request.

FWL acknowledges likewise all the forum posters whose contributions, not excluding the “bashings” of the bible which elicited appropriate responses, are inherently essential to make this publication possible.

Later, some of the philboxing forum topics were posted on Facebook for the public at large to comment on. These are included as part of the materials in this site.

As this material reaches your mind as well as those of others through the facility of the world wide web or some other means, the FWL is pleased with the privilege to have done its part in preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God “in all the world for a witness unto all nations” (Matthew 24:14).